
Siempre me ha parecido que esto de hacer imágenes con palabritas era una forma de expresar mis inquietudes, las cosas que uno va reconociendo importantes en la vida y que me gustarÃa contar a mis hijos y a mis amigos. Muchas veces surgen de la curiosidad, de la emoción o de la admiración, aunque otras surgen de momentos de pura indignación, como queriendo alzar la voz ante un público inexistente. Es algo asà como ¿Pero no lo veis? Cuando eso pasa ya sé que voy a acabar trasnochando para hacer algo al respecto. Es curioso, a esta edad uno ya se observa a si mismo casi como estudiando a un marciano con el que tienes ciertas dificultades de comunicación.
El caso es que me cabrea enormemente ver cómo se utilizan las palabras para alterar o justificar cualquier cosa. Parece que si haces una triple pirueta verbal vas a poder ajustar el sentido de la realidad a lo que a uno le interesa, es como el Circo del Sol versión 1984. Y lo peor es que funciona. Parece que se hemos perdido el sentido común y la mÃnima pizca de pensamiento crÃtico que ha traÃdo a la humanidad hasta donde estamos.
Pero lo cierto es que no es asÃ. La verdad es inmune a las palabras, y para el que tiene que aceptarlas como buenas supone un colapso en su integridad que se refleja en sus gestos, en su cara, en sus ojos… Y eso me pareció ver en Zelenski con su reunión con Trump. A una persona con una realidad aplastante que tiene que plegarse a las palabras de otro porque no le queda otro remedio. Por los suyos.
Y a mà me parece que eso es un acto heroico.
Words of the Queen

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away last September. She was not only a beloved person in Commonwealth countries but also a historical character with a huge and widely respected background. She took responsibilities very young, and I think she was a great example for his people.
I took more than 330 Queen speeches from this site https://www.royal.uk/speeches including her Christmas broadcasts. I only found speeches from 1970 and one of them was missing (broken link) so I had to recover it from Internet Archive (https://archive.org/).
With text cleaned, taken only Queen words, and removing some translation to French, I counted all relevant words. It drops a list of more than 4600 different words with repetition from 480 times to just one appearance.
The beginning of the list: Commonwealth (480),future (250),Prince (246),Christmas (244),celebrate (226),service (218),Philip (197),Kingdom (194),welcome (189),communities (188),thank (187),peace (167),opportunity (165),support (164),shared (163),Parliament (152),achieved (147),success (145),challenges (144),Mr (142),pleasure (132),reminded (128),delighted (124),occasion (124),anniversary (122),contribution (121),Wales (121),Britain (120),generations (120),present (120),Gentlemen (117),Royal (114),inspiration (112),Queen (109),spirit (107),faith (100),Australia (99),recent (99),events (97),Canada (96),culture (96),courage (92),friendship (92),international (92),proud (92),reflect (91),Minister (90),respect (90),London (89),memories (89),traditions (89),prosperity (88),throughout (87),relationship (86),Jubilee (84),confidence (83),de (83),partnership (83),responsibility (83),Assembly (82),message (81),society (81),encouragement (76)…
As base image I selected two very different portraits. First one the official image used to announce her death and another one from a very young Elizabeth, close to the moment she becomes Queen.
In between, a whole life dedicated to her people.

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla in one of these people that combine science with a mystery halo. He was an absolute genius, ahead of his time, with countless inventions and patents. Thanks to him we have the AC electric system, but the number of ideas he put on the table makes him one of the greatest inventor in history, even above of his rival Thomas Edison.
This vector illustration is based in a great restored image of Tesla from Ivan Krsev who also choose related words.
James Randi

My little tribute in memorian of James Randi.
In the age of information is hard to believe that people prefer to believe blindly in so many stupid things. We need more people that think by itself and use logic and commons sense instead of believing anything that arrives to their screens. People present in media, pointing to liars, teaching us to use critical thinking… more people like Randi or Sagan. I miss you guys.
This illustration is my way to pointing out those who are taking advantage of people. My way to say we can see them, and we are not going to take their bullshit.
No Woman No Cry
My little tribute to Bob Marley and one of his best songs.
Some tryouts.
Be the owner of this illustration. Buy it at Opensea.com.
What People Do…
I recently receive an email from one of my readers, Okan Akildane who run a advertising company called Ceres in Istambul.
He sent me some photos and one video showing how they are using some of my illustrations. And I think it’s a good opportunity to show you what people do with my stuff.
The nice thing of my vector files is they are fully scalable. No matter the big you print it you will always have smooth curves.
And with big sizes there is a beautiful effect from closer views because the whole image almost disappear, and people will probably have a surprise when they get distance and discover the image behind the words.
Thanks Okan!