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MatchRotation for Autodesk Revit

MatchRotation 1.3

Autodesk Revit Addin (Donwload from Autodesk URL)

I recently updated my MatchRotation Addin for Autodesk Revit to version 1.3. And I think it’s a good moment to post it at my site and keep this url where talk about it and perhaps add some beta or take users comments or suggestions This addin cost as little as 1.99$.


This is a perfect complement for Autodesk® Revit® Align command, it will try to match Z rotation between almost any Revit Element.

It will help in all those cases where align doesn’t work, for example (but not only!):

– Rotate Section View or Elevation to align to Facades.
– Rotate ScopeBox or SectionBox to align to Wall or Grids.
– Rotate Annotations or Detail Items
– Rotate Plan View itself by selecting crop to align to a grid or any other element.

If you Shift+Click on target it will rotate perpendicular to target.

Also you can align to a linked model element.

General Usage Instructions

Simple use as pair wise mode: Select Element to rotate, then select Element to get Rotation. Press escape to stop matching.

Mass mode: Pre-select multiple Elements to Rotate, then select Element to get Rotation.

If Shift+Click on target it will rotate perpendicular (add extra 90º to rotation).

Additional button will let you choose target rotation in linked model.


To move MatchRotation to default Revit addin tab:

You just have to create, in same folder as DLL, an empty text archive called add-ins.txt.
If you are using Revit 2016 just create C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MatchRotation.bundle\Contents\2016\add-ins.txt


See a sample of use here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5SxIkCXs6M

Diario de un BIM Manager

Mi gran amigo, y mejor persona, David Barco ha publicado recientemente su libro “Guía para Implementar y Gestionar Proyectos BIM”, acertadamente subtitulado como “Diario de un BIM Manager”, en el que he tenido la suerte de poder poner mi pequeño grano de arena con el diseño de la imagen de portada.

Este libro es probablemente el mejor recurso en español que se puede encontrar hoy en día sobre el complejo, y a la vez altamente satisfactorio, mundo del BIM.

Y para demostrar que es en efecto complejo, la imagen fue compuesta de los acrónimos más utilizados cuando se habla de esta tecnología. Hay más de 500 diferentes!

Más información sobre este libro aquí:
