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Posts Tagged ‘matrix’

2012 Matrix Calendar


It’s a calendar based in Matrix effect. I did it using the nice Matrix Code NFI and Miltown2 fonts. I know it looks a little bit crazy, but believe me it’s a fully working calendar.

You only need to know two basic rules: each column represents a month and each week look like a colour gradient, starting on Monday (the darker). Despite of the characters, they all are random. Each week also has it’s own alpha level, it helps reading and also mimic the Matrix effect.

I was developing code for my “Crisis Calendar” (the simplest calendar ever) when I noticed that my draft files were really close to something similar to the unforgettable Matrix code screen . I spend a little time adapting it so I’m not sure if I will have time enough to  finish my other calendar ideas before the end of year.

Download PDF, vector based, 2012 Matrix Calendar.

Merry Christmas!