Creative Calendar 2022

I updated some of my ‘crazy but funny’ calendars for 2022 in the hope of this one will be a great year for us all. You will find Crisis Calendar, Spiral Calendar an Binary Calendar, some of them in both Spanish and English.
At the end of the post you can find links to vector version of all of them. It’s my little present for this holidays!
Links to Vector Base PDFs:
Crisis Calendar Black
Crisis Calendar White
Spiral Calendar English Black
Spiral Calendar English White
Spiral Calendar Spanish Black
Spiral Calendar Spanish White
Binary Calendar Black
Binary Calendar White
As a bonus take a look at this Matrix Calendar. Hard to read but fully functional!

2014 Crisis Calendar (fixed)
My latest calendar design, Crisis Calendar, a calendar of time we live in.
Despite its appearance it’s a perfectly functional calendar. If you need some clues of how it works I could tell you months are columns and the first day of week is Monday.
With this design I want to emphasize not only its simplicity, there is no indication of the day number, or the month, or even the year we are in, but also its symbolic using simple scratches on wall as unique element of representation… like the count of someone trapped somewhere.
Not a easy read calendar, it is almost hidden, in the sight of all but somehow occult… it will be our secret.
Hopefully it will be some kind of countdown to this crisis don’t want to leave us.
Dedicated to Eduardo Blanco… the RevitMan! Hey guy you’ll love this one!!
There is also a white background version.
Buy print at Society6
2013 Creative Calendar Collection
I’m back again with my CrazyButNotBoring calendars. This year I’m posting all together, both English and Spanish version. At the end of the post you can find links to pdf, vector version, of all these calendars so you can print as big as you want. My suggestion is the bigger the best!.
Almost all of them are the same last year but I’m starting with a new one, the Sun calendar, a variation of my grass calendar.
Sun Calendar English w/b versions
Sun Calendar Spanish  w/b versions
Spiral Calendar English w/b versions
Spiral Calendar Spanish  w/b versions
Binary Calendar w/b versions (no language here!)
Fractal Calendar English
Fractal Calendar Spanish
Grass Calendar English w/b versions
Grass Calendar Spanish  w/b versions
Pdf Files:
I’m working in new set of ‘vertical calendars’, in a similar style of 2012 Matrix Calendar (hope you remember), but I’m really running out of free time for this…
That’s all, I wish you the best in this challenging 2013!. Work hard, be creative… and size the day!
2012 Matrix Calendar
It’s a calendar based in Matrix effect. I did it using the nice Matrix Code NFI and Miltown2 fonts. I know it looks a little bit crazy, but believe me it’s a fully working calendar.
You only need to know two basic rules: each column represents a month and each week look like a colour gradient, starting on Monday (the darker). Despite of the characters, they all are random. Each week also has it’s own alpha level, it helps reading and also mimic the Matrix effect.
I was developing code for my “Crisis Calendar” (the simplest calendar ever) when I noticed that my draft files were really close to something similar to the unforgettable Matrix code screen . I spend a little time adapting it so I’m not sure if I will have time enough to finish my other calendar ideas before the end of year.
Download PDF, vector based, 2012 Matrix Calendar.
Merry Christmas!
2012 Fractal Calendar
In this calendar you can find years from 2012 to 2042 (30 years!), that’s the reason why I called it fractal, but the true is that it isn’t fractal at all so please don’t blame me!.
Download Vector PDF:
2012 Binary Calendar
No language… that’s the nice thing of binary World!.
2012 Binary Calendar Black. See JPG. Download PDF.
2012 Binary Calendar White. See JPG. Download PDF.
Spiral Calendar 2012
And talking about dates I think it’s time to start posting my 2012 creative calendars. I have new ideas and hope to have time to create a few new ones. In the meantime I’m going to update some of my favourites to current year. Also I’m going to share with you again my pdf vector files of all these calendars. Remember it’s free only for personal use.
English Spiral Calendar White. See JPG. Download PDF.
English Spiral Calendar Black. See JPG. Download PDF.
Spanish Spiral Calendar White. See JPG. Download PDF.
Spanish Spiral Calendar Black. See JPG. Download PDF.
2011 Binary Calendar
Here we go with the updated version of my creative Binary Calendar. The nice thing of this calendar is that we don’t need different language version and I didn’t take care of the text orientation… the only problem is that you must know how to read a binary number.
Not a big deal for true geeks!.
White background version.
2011 Grass Calendar
It’s time to talk again about calendar design. I hate the conventional calendar and I really think that a calendar must be useful but beautiful at the same time.
This one is based in a grass grow pattern. Each branch represents a month.
The nice thing of this calendar is his generative behavior… I can have an ‘infinite’ variations of the same calendar because each time I click another random version come out with different colors and branch movement. So if you run a business and want to give an unique calendar to each one of your clients it could be a good choice. You know, contact me!.
You can find here English and Spanish versions. If you want another language please post it here or send me an email.
There is also a new white background version.
I will come back with the rest of my creative calendars… and with new ones.