a picture is worth a thousand words


Tracy Chapman

Hace poco he vuelto a encontrarme con Tracy Chapman y su increíble “Fast Car”, una canción que me trae a la memoria muchos buenos momentos y recuerdos que curiosamente vienen como con nombre y apellidos.

Una canción que desde luego no ha envejecido tanto como yo y que suena tan intensa, o más, que en aquellos años de bolera y centro comercial.

Para los que no quieran olvidar…

Be the owner of this illustration. Buy it at Opensea.com.

Gad Eko


One of best things of my crazy art is the opportunity to meet people all around the world. And sometimes those people becomes friends… and sometimes the gift of their friendship comes with big surprises.

This is the case of Gad Eko, a friend but also an incredible artist you have to know. Gad sent me a present that let me wordless, an illustration about me that reminds me how talented people are, and how much I still have to learn from them.

I believe Gad has a brilliant future and deserves a lot more attention so please check his flickr page where you will find some samples of his amazing art. You will not be disappointed!.

Thank you very much Gad. Thanks for spending on it the most valuable thing for an artist… your time.

Gabriela Lugo


Y ahí me encuentro yo, en una misión de seis meses en tierra extraña, ya casi al final, en mi último paseo… enseñándole la Habana a un Cubano.

Entre callejón y callejón, bajo la lluvia cálida, llega junto a una amiga. Han quedado los tres y me dejan que les acompañe. Pero soy yo el que se siente incómodo, extraño, como un astronauta en otro planeta al que le han dejado aterrizar por unos minutos… asomándome furtivamente a un pasado que casi ni puedo recordar.

Entre risas y Vampisol me cuenta algunas cosas, pero no todo. Será más tarde cuando descubra quien es realmente. Que ha recorrido el mundo con el ballet nacional, ahora es la principal de Acosta… que sale en una película… son los secretos, casi siempre callados, que envuelven en misterio a la isla.

Esta ilustración es un poco mi manera de dar las gracias a Cuba, y me parece que Gabriela en cierto modo representa lo que es este país, una perseverancia inquebrantable envuelta en una sencilla y bella sonrisa.

Así que para Gabriela, para Cuba… para la gran belleza que esconde este lugar y a la que uno queda irremediablemente atado para siempre.

Ojala tu futuro sea brillante.

Hasta siempre!



Gimp ColorToAlpha as Standalone EXE

I love Gimp as much as I love Photoshop, but in last one I miss one of the simplest and coolest plugins out there: ColorToAlpha. I know you can mimic this plugin in Photoshop and also with some Imagemagick scripts but at the end output is not as nice as Gimp plugin.

What it does is to remove target background color by adding transparency and modifying original colors in a way that when you combine with base color you have exact original image.


For me this is a basic function I use in each presentation, when you have to overlap images or want to perfectly merge a logo that comes with white background. Initially I thought I could create a photoshop plugin just taking a look at Gimp code… It was not so easy.

So finally I did a quick C# implementation of original Gimp code and created a single exe that do same thing as Gimp plugin does. The target was to be able to do this without any software and in mass mode trough a loop in a DOS script.

Not sure if it’s usefull for you, but just in case here you have it!
Download colortoalpha.zip (4kb)

Unzip colortoalpha.exe and use trough command line.

Usage: colortoalpha FileIn [BackgroundColor] [Dir or FileOut]
BackgroundColor = white, black, red, green, blue or any #hex color (default=white)
Output file will be “.png”
Warning! If not FileOut then FileIn will be overwrite if share .png extension without asking!!

colortoalpha test.jpg
colortoalpha test.jpg #b400ff testout.png
colortoalpha test.jpg white c:\tmp\
colortoalpha c:\temp\test.png red c:\tmp\test3.png

Don’t really know limitation in image sizes or formats neither tested it.

Use at your own risk!

Lord of the Words


This man killed thousand Orcs with his own hands. Well, with is hands and one pen.

My little tribute to JRR Tolkien the man who created a Universe from scratch. For this illustration I counted more relevant words from Lord of the Rings and spread over author’s portrait. I know it’s probably more popular book from Tolkien but I really love the beginning of The Silmarillion and his kind of Genesis… wonderful!

Vector file here: JO-D-151218-Tolkien01





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