a picture is worth a thousand words


Crisis Calendar 2021

Last two years have been hard to me, especially at personal level. Not related to Covid, but I feel I fully understand all those who are loosing their loved ones. And time, what you did and what you didn’t, becomes an important subject in my mind. So I think it’s right moment to recover some of my olds concerns.

Crisis Calendar is a fully functional calendar, but at the same time is a little jigsaw. I’m not going to give you any clue, only that this one if for year 2021 because I don’t want to put the year in it.

The idea of this calendar comes to me after watching one of these wall scratch calendars prisoners do when they are captive. I like the simplicity but thought there was a better way to sort all these scratches.

And I think all we are captive by time.

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Never Give Up

I did a tribute to Winston Churchill long time ago. I think it’s time to update it by using one of his more powerful quotes “Never, never, never give up”.

Alternative version.

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Rosa Parks

I think Rosa Parks represents how a single person, in a single moment of courage, can change our world. Four simple words, “No, I am Not”, cost her a lot, but became such an inspirational symbol and a point of no return for civil rights.

Even today, your voice can emerge over all those digital noise. Because sometimes what you think is shared by common sense of most of people, like a glass of water about to overflow waiting for a last drop… Just remember it, you are not alone.

I recreated Rosa Parks portrait using words I feel represents her: Justice, Boldness, Strength, Dignity, Fight, Resistance, Education, Defiance, Refusal, Decision, Audacity ,Courage, Together, Acceptance, Determination, Equality, Freedom, Humanity, Reasons, Union, Life ,Oneself ,Valor and Rights.

Alternative version.

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Afraid Of Future

Long time without posting… What can I say?, life sometimes makes you clear where priorities are while your act like a dyslexic juggler.

I made this picture a while ago, thinking about all those things that could menace our future… they said. And I think that today, considering news, it’s time to publish it.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t say we shouldn’t be worry about all those terms. Yes we should. But I have confidence in human being, in our ability to overcome adversity. And I’m sure that living afraid of future is not the best way to help overcome whatever get in our way.

My point of view is that fear is such an extreme feeling it can be used to block our rational thinking. Under fear we are easy to manipulate.

So please don’t be afraid. Be concerned and act like human being we should be.

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La Grande Bellezza

Esta pelĂ­cula me atrapĂł hace unos aĂąos, cuando pasaba un momento difĂ­cil. Y como en casi todas las grandes pelĂ­culas de mi vida me pillĂł de sorpresa, tras un doble click tirado al azar sobre un mar de archivos. Al igual que en aquellos tiempos, en los que uno se perdĂ­a buscando tesoros en los infinitos planetas irisados que venĂ­an con las revistas.

Y asĂ­, sin preguntarme porque, ocupo el sitio como mi pelĂ­cula favorita. Seguramente porque era el momento perfecto para verla. Llego como esa pieza del puzle que la encajas y justo te deja ver lo que serĂĄ la escena completa. O quizĂĄs sea porque a veces yo me siento un poco Jep Gambardella, viejo y cansado, pero todavĂ­a sorprendiĂŠndome por los ‘destellos de belleza’ que pasan fugazmente, que te capturan, pero que te dejan el amargo sabor de aquello que no puedes atrapar en el tiempo.

Mi ilustraciĂłn no hace justicia a la poesĂ­a que surge de las imĂĄgenes y de la mĂşsica de esta pelĂ­cula. Recoge las palabras de la escena final, que pongo a continuaciĂłn.

“Finisce sempre così, con la morte,
prima però c’è stata la vita,
nascosta sotto i bla bla bla bla.

È tutto sedimentato sotto il chiacchiericcio e il rumore,
il silenzio e il sentimento,
l’emozione e la paura,

gli sparuti incostanti sprazzi di bellezza
e poi lo squallore disgraziato
e l’uomo miserabile.

Tutto sepolto nella coperta dell’imbarazzo
dello stare al mondo,
bla bla bla bla.

Altrove c’è l’altrove,
io non mi occupo dell’altrove,
dunque che questo romanzo abbia inizio.

In fondo è solo un trucco,
si è solo un trucco.”


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Esta pelĂ­cula me atrapĂł hace unos aĂąos, cuando pasaba un momento difĂ­cil. Y como en casi todas l

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Crisis Calendar 2021

Last two years have been hard to me, especially at personal level. Not related to Covid, but I feel

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