a picture is worth a thousand words


Words that kill

Agatha Christie is probably the best crime writer ever. She wrote more than ninety books, but only 82 as Agatha Christie. For this illustration I counted the words of 65 of those books. Including her most famous like “Ten Little Niggers” and “Murder on the Orient Express”. She also have a long list of movie and television adaptations. Take a look at her wikipedia article.

She used the word “murder” only 4158 times… not too bad!.

Most commonly used words: poirot (13236), mrs (10845), mr (9100), quite (7388), something (6469), really (6288), sir (5243), rather (4883), woman (4431), anything (4394), doctor (4167), murder (4158), suppose (3856), away (3611), inspector (3531), marple (3390), lady (3273), moment (3261), believe (3210), dear (2729), suddenly (2719), case (2704), tuppence (2609), matter (2549), smiled (2523), killed (2421), shall (2373), someone (2367), seen (2336), understand (2302), death (2240), wife (2201), nice (2150), dead (2107), felt (2042), died (2036), tommy (2005), nodded (1985), another (1964), police (1940), sort (1927), everything (1917), husband (1902), shook (1897), married (1896), bit (1881), natural (1855), else (1849), oliver (1823), exactly (1822)…

The battle between Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple has a clear winner. Poirot has more than quad hits than Miss Marple.

I’m working in a new implementation of my word-counting tool. The target is to be able to count words combo, instead of single words. I will publish someday a whole analysis, but I want to share some of my first results with you. For these 65 books one of the most used four (representative) words combo are “miss marple shook her head”. And the three words combo winner is “said miss marple” with 1217 hits.

Another illustration. This time the words sizes are proportional to it’s repetition.

Lost, the words they said

This visualization represents the words used by each character of the popular tv show Lost. The size of the words are proportional to the number of times the character used it. The word position and the distance to the character are mostly random.

I don’t like remakes. I prefer to waste my time in new ideas. But I’m going to do an exception with this post. First because when I did it, the show wasn’t end so It was unfinished… somehow. And second because I think that Lost deserve it. I know Lost end received a lot of critiques (I share some of them) but I really enjoyed all the time I spend watching Jack, Ben and Locke making the rounds.

In addition to adding the final season information, I have taken the opportunity to improve the visualization. Remember I know the words each character said, exactly, thanks to the scripts hosted in lostpedia.wikia.com.

Yo can take a look at my original post talking about this image and others here.

Click in the image to see a high resolution version of the visualization. But if you want to see it in his full glory go to this link in Zoom.it.

Words Grow

What if words could grow as trees?. A while ago I did a visualization with the words of all Obama speeches, growing as a tree. I’ve updated my code and tested it with some of the words image I’ve published along the time.

Here you have my huge collection of words trees. The first one represents the Darwin book “On the Origin of Species”.

All these trees have a post reference and represent the most used words of a book, a speech or lyrics. The size of the words are proportional to the number of times the word appears in these books or speeches.

Think on it as a step after the word image creation. Because the words colours of these trees was taken from the colours these words have in the image composition. it’s like a combination between the original words analysis and the image colours.

All the images comes from vector based pdfs.

The most commonly used words of all Lorca poems.

The most commonly used words of all ACDC lyrics.

The most commonly used words of The Bible (New Testament).

The most commonly used words of The Bible (Old Testament).

The most commonly used words of all Bob Dylan Lyrics/a>.

The most commonly used words of all Bruce Springsteen lyrics.

The most commonly used words of the Che Guevara book “Diarios de Motocicleta”.

The most commonly used words of all Miguel Delibes books.

The most commonly used words of messages to Dennis Hopper.

The most commonly used words of all Iron Maiden lyrics.

The most commonly used words of all Gilmore’s Girls shows.

The most commonly used words of all House MD shows.

The most commonly used words of all reactions to the Sara and Iker kiss.

The most commonly used words of words from Jesus.

The most commonly used words of all Juan Carlos speeches.

The most commonly used words of all Nirvana lyrics.

The most commonly used words of all reactions after the dead of Leslie Nielsen.

The most commonly used words of John Maeda book “Laws of Simplicity”.

The most commonly used words of all Marillion lyrics.

The most commonly used words of all Queen lyrics.

The most commonly used words of all messages to Michael Jackson after his dead.

The most commonly used words of all Radio Head lyrics.

The most commonly used words of all Rollig Stones lyrics.

The most commonly used words of all TED talks speeches.

Lorca’s poems

Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca has wide range of types of works, but I like a lot his poems, like “A poet in New York”. There is a lot artworks related to Lorca’s works, most of them really beautiful. Probably because it’s inspirational wonderful works.

For this illustration I took all the Lorca poems (in spanish) and counted the most commonly used words.

A nice list, I have to say: niños (215), muerte (210), amor (199), agua (194), corazĂłn (193), noche (180), cielo (156), canto (146), blanco (136), estrellas (130), oh (130), rosa (128), ojos (126), ay (118), luz (118), quiero (117), sangre (117), viento (116), mar (111), mira (111), verde (111), aire (105), negros (105), granada (100)… and another 4.200 different words.

The bigger are the most commonly used.

Another illustration with horizontal text.

Anonymous names

Are they villains?, are they heroes?… I don’t know, this time you have to think for yourself. But I love the David Lloyd’s mask for “The Doll” (read about V for Vendetta), and how it mix with the idea of an anonymous group of people.

In order to translate this concept I took the top 1000 most commonly used baby boy and girl names in USA throughout 2010 from this website and spread them over an image of The Doll. The bigger are the most commonly used.

You can also take a look at the same illustration without legend or download wallpapers, 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×800 1280×1024 1366×768 1440×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1856×1392 1920×1080 1920×1440 2048×1536.

Another one.

Also with legend, and wallpapers, 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×800 1280×1024 1366×768 1440×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1856×1392 1920×1080 1920×1440 2048×1536.

One more.

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