a picture is worth a thousand words


Spiral Calendar 2012

And talking about dates I think it’s time to start posting my 2012 creative calendars. I have new ideas and hope to have time to create a few new ones. In the meantime I’m going to update some of my favourites to current year. Also I’m going to share with you again my pdf vector files of all these calendars. Remember it’s free only for personal use.

English Spiral Calendar White. See JPG. Download PDF.
English Spiral Calendar Black. See JPG. Download PDF.

Spanish Spiral Calendar White. See JPG. Download PDF.
Spanish Spiral Calendar Black. See JPG. Download PDF.

11.11.11 happy end of the world

You know, people are crazy about dates and today, in our calendar, we have funny date numbers: 11/11/11. I though most of the people think about it in a negative way, I mean they could become mad because the end of the world or something… So how to check what people think about it?, this time we are going to use Tweeter.

I took around 10.000 English tweets which talks about 111111 and counted the words they used. Surprisingly everyone is having fun with this date. Almost nothing about bad news and a lot of funny things like birthdays, parties, weddings and date facts… smart guys!.

In first illustration I took avatars of all these tweeters and spread them over an image of a render I did with the date numbers (click too see the my original image). In the following I spread the words they used with sizes proportional to it’s repetition. And also you can find two alternative versions.

Seize the day, have fun!.

Debate Rajoy – Rubalcaba

Desde el punto de vista de la visualización de datos los debates políticos son muy interesantes ya que aúnan concisión y espontaneidad, aunque efectivamente esto es muy discutible en muchos casos donde se produce una simple sucesión de monólogos o la mayor parte de los temas están de antemano pactados.

En esta ocasión se enfrentaban  dos de los candidatos a presidente del gobierno en España (aunque no lo crean hay más) en un formato algo más flexible de lo habitual al que creo que merece la pena ‘echar un vistazo’.

Gracias la transcripción de debate publicada en eskup.com podemos analizar las palabras más utilizadas por Rajoy y Rubalcaba.

Rajoy, 1930 palabras utilizadas, las más usadas: hacer (16),porque (13),todos (13),millones (12),economía (10),empleo (10),debe (8),españa (8),españoles (8),gestiona (8),política (8),trabajar (8),desempleo (7),gastar (7),gobierno (7),hablar (7),pensiones (7),pública (7),puede (7),sanidad (7),yo (7),bien (6),eso (6),está (6),estado (6),euros (6),garantizar (6),muchas (6),nuestra (6),país (6),sus (6),tener (6),tiene (6),tres (6),vamos (6),voy (6),cosas (5),entre (5),generamos (5),hemos (5),nosotros (5),paga (5),partidas (5),quieren (5),reforma (5),sirve (5),son (5),cinco (4),competentes (4),congela (4),crear (4),cuando (4),dinero (4),gran (4),haber (4),hecho (4),importa (4),impuesto (4),iva (4),laboral (4),mal (4),materia (4),mundo (4),nadie (4),recortes (4),ser (4),soy (4),sube (4),ya (4)…

Rubalcaba, 2554 palabras utilizadas, las más usadas: hacer (21),pública (17),programa (16),sanidad (14),habla (13),sobre (13),tiene (13),creo (12),dice (12),está (11),trabajadores (11),desempleo (10),eso (10),hemos (10),ley (10),años (9),quiere (9),señor (9),sistema (9),yo (9),cambiar (8),comunidades (8),dos (8),gustaría (8),pasando (8),pensiones (8),seguro (8),solo (8),también (8),bancos (7),diga (7),educación (7),empleo (7),privada (7),todos (7),bajar (6),crisis (6),dinero (6),diputaciones (6),economía (6),españoles (6),están (6),este (6),financiación (6),he (6),hecho (6),lleva (6),muy (6),pregunte (6),problema (6),puede (6),rajoy (6),tenemos (6),ahora (5),ahorro (5),cosa (5),cuando (5),gobierno (5),homosexual (5),mucho (5),ni (5),porque (5),quitar (5),revisar (5),sabe (5),sin (5),aclarado (4),acuerdo (4),algunas (4),cada (4),casas (4),contra (4),debate (4),empresas (4),entre (4),españa (4),europa (4),hombre (4),igual (4),impuesto (4),llegado (4)…

En la ilustración el retrato de cada uno tiene las palabras que ha dicho, cuanto mayor es el tamaño más ha utilizado esa palabra en el debate. Una vez colocadas todas las palabras en su tamaño, y para reproducir lo mejor posible el rostro de cada candidato, se han vuelto a reutilizar las mismas pero ya en el menor tamaño posible.

Las fotos están tomadas de la publicidad electoral.

In Obama’s Words

This is not my first post about Barack Obama. One of my first words illustration was done in 2009 by using all the Obama speeches in the run for president. Nice words for people, I have to say. He became president in January 2009 and the thing got serious.

It has been nearly three years and now we can analyze the words he used in his speeches throughout this time. Nicely people at washingtonpost.com has around 800 Obama speeches ready to be read (also, I have taken the title!) . It was not an easy task because I had to isolate Obama words from all the recorded text, most of them contains words from other people and press questions, etc… I sorted all the speeches because I want to know the word’s evolution in time.

With all these ‘cleaned’ speeches, and using my own tools, I did three different kind of analysis. First I counted the most used words, and also the combo of two and three (significant) words. Also I looked at word’s evolution in time from January 2009 to October 2011.  And finally I looked at the words analyzing distance from others.

Most used single words: going (10817),make (8059),people (7843),can (6912),just (6511),work (6368),know (6165),now (6036),want (6013),get (5620),got (5290),right (5149),years (5148),american (5028),jobs (4789),think (4705),one (4615),time (4520),country (4457),america (4078),states (3879),like (3680),thank (3677),need (3536),help (3491),businesses (3305),things (3275),also (3265),take (3215),way (3199),well (3163),new (3159),sure (3094),say (3064),back (2980),economy (2957),health (2905),come (2898),care (2749),nation (2701),good (2624),united (2565),world (2565),every (2562),everybody (2521),look (2502),families (2469),see (2464),said (2460),tax (2414)…

Two words combo: make sure (2700),united states (2302),health care (1864),right now (1204),small businesses (1143),american people (1122),thank you very much (840),middle class (766),clean energy (739),tax cuts (693),across the country (680),health insurance (645),young people (629),states of america (621),long term (619),two years (516),$ billion (508),god bless (491),want to thank (484),want to make (481),white house (478),around the world (477),move forward (476),insurance companies (475),men and women (462),years ago (457),st century (452),create jobs (450),last year (435),going to make (401),just want (401),private sector (392),can make (367),wall street (366),work hard (366),every day (357),work together (356),one of the things (352),next year (344),recovery act (341),tax breaks (337)…

Three words combo: united states of america (618),want to make sure (302),middle class families (292),health care system (251),health care reform (231),small business owners (227),bless the united states (185),god bless the united (183),health care costs (182),since the great depression (169),got to make sure (166),big round of applause (164),people back to work (150),last two years (144),right here in the united states (138),private sector jobs (128),put people back (124),going to make sure (120),president of the united states (117),investment in clean energy (114),give them a big round (110),cost of health care (106),every single day (106),make sure that we’ve got (106),live within our means (103),can make sure (102),giving tax breaks (97),dependence on foreign oil (96)…

The leading illustration was done by spreading the most commonly used words over a portrait of Barack Obama.

In the next graph you can see the evolution of the first 100 words in time, and the combo of two and three words. Click to enlarge, but if you want to see a high resolution go to this Zoom.it link.

The next group of illustrations represents words close to the main word in all the speeches. So the bigger the word is the more times it appears close to the main word. The distance to the main word is the average distance of all the instances of that word. There is no relationship between each illustration, so you have to look at each one as independent single analysis. Main words sorted alphabetically.

And my word’s trees. The bigger are the most commonly used. You can find the single words tree and the two and three words combo trees. There is a high-res image of the single words tree uploaded at Zoom.it .



I personally have drawn interesting conclusions about the use of words. But I prefer that each draw their own conclusions. Here there is only data… in a visual way.

Snow Balls

I’m working in a illustration series, based in sports, generated using my genetic geometry technique, something highly inspired in Percolator and Tsevis style. My main goal was to have something useful for tshirts, but as usually I ended with something that needs a big size if you want to see all the details it has.

Here you have some of then, focused in winter sports. I think I will publish soon more about different sports.

Click to enlarge, but remember that all these are vector based. If you want to see all the details of first sample take a look at it in zoom.it.



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