a picture is worth a thousand words


Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore can deeply touch you. His words can magically wake up something inside you… It’s something like the taste of true.

Very well know by his Music, Art, Theatre, Novels, Stories and Poetry almost all his works focused on religion and racial humiliation related to India. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, becoming the first non-European who won it.

The image was composed using words from the Song Gitanjali. I choose using the original language of the song. Love the shapes of the Bengali characters!.

Bruce Lee

And talking of my youth I have to admit I loved Bruce Lee movies. But only recently I discovered the creative side of Bruce Lee. Yes, he was more than a movie actor. Bruce also was film director, screenwriter,  founder of a martial arts movement, philosopher and even wrote poems. He was a creative man with a brilliant mind.

Because of that, and mostly because he filled my childhood with fun and popcorn, I took more relevant people, actors and legendary figures around Chinese martial arts and spread it over a portrait of Bruce Lee.

Below another version of the same illustration.


Buf!, more than two months without posting… It’s has been a challenging time with lot of things around my head. I would liked to return with some new things for you (still working in video and other crazy ideas), but I don’t have time enough. So here I go again with a new illustration, I have dozen unfinished just waiting for…something!.

Time to talk about the best band ever: Dire Straits. Yeah I’m getting old but the true is that I never tire listening this band songs. Sultan of Swing, Telegraph Road, Tunnel of Love… too many incredible songs. What can I say… Hey Knopfler THANKS!!!

My first idea was to count the most used words in his lyrics. I took around 50 songs and counted it. The beginning of the list: got (85),come (78),just (76),get (65),like (65),know (64),say (63),now (61),can (54),twisting (42),love (40),go (39),one (39),time (38),baby (37),take (37),away (35),yeah (34),give (33),see (30),way (30),well (30),make (29),pool (28),long (27),night (27),play (26),think (26),never (25),sometimes (25),man (24),around (23),boys (23),day (23)…

But finally I decided to take the songs names. Remove non significant words and randomly sorted the rest of them. Then I moved “Sultans” to the first position as a tribute to Sultans of Swing :-). Also I found the font used in Alchemy cover and change all the words to inverse case so it looks, more or less, like this mythical album cover. Of course Mark Knopfler is the main subject of this illustration.

You can also download free wallpaper in different sizes: 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×800 1280×1024 1366×768 1440×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1856×1392 1920×1080 1920×1440 2048×1536

Below you can take a look to some other illustration I finally left behind…


This days we are commemorating the 75th Howard Phillips Lovecraft death anniversary (is he is really death?) and I think it’s the right moment to do a little tribute to the master of horror.

For this illustration I took the complete works of Lovecraft, from this website, and counted the most used words dropping this list: one (1650),things (1185),old (992),seemed (952),now (892),great (873),time (869),even (831),like (804),night (709),man (691),saw (691),though (675),place (664),must (643),found (602),house (592),came (585),strange (585),might (565),looked (551),whose (540),come (539),certain (533),long (525),upon (518),black (516),dreams (514),never (491),men (490),city (486),dark (484),light (484),made (480),day (477),much (472),thought (464),know (461),still (461),stone (449),years (448),many (446),see (444),beyond (438),two (437),first (434),last (427),well (423),heard (414),world (408),eyes (407),seen (404),fear (401),form (399),far (397),knew (397),sound (397),open (391),yet (388),room (386),street (386),almost (384),back (384),told (382),near (381),way (381),door (378),new (371),walls (371),face (370),horror (369)…

The font used in the first illustration was “Nightmare 5” from dafont.com. For the following I used “Lovecraft’s Diary” font with nice alphabet inspired in Necronomicon (I think).


Here is my secret…

It’s one of my favourite quotes “Here is my secret, it is very simple: One sees well only with the heart; The essential is invisible to the eyes”. It comes from one of those unforgettable books, “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry.

I spread the quote over a portrait of Antoine (he was a pioneering aviator!) in three different languages, including French.

This book is one of my favourite readings since I was a child. That’s the reason why I read it again from time to time… and also because I have a wonderful hand writing quote in my copy of “The Little Prince”.

Click to see Spanish version.

Click to see English version.




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