a picture is worth a thousand words


Words of the Queen

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away last September. She was not only a beloved person in Commonwealth countries but also a historical character with a huge and widely respected background. She took responsibilities very young, and I think she was a great example for his people.

I took more than 330 Queen speeches from this site https://www.royal.uk/speeches including her Christmas broadcasts. I only found speeches from 1970 and one of them was missing (broken link) so I had to recover it from Internet Archive (https://archive.org/).

With text cleaned, taken only Queen words, and removing some translation to French, I counted all relevant words. It drops a list of more than 4600 different words with repetition from 480 times to just one appearance.

The beginning of the list: Commonwealth (480),future (250),Prince (246),Christmas (244),celebrate (226),service (218),Philip (197),Kingdom (194),welcome (189),communities (188),thank (187),peace (167),opportunity (165),support (164),shared (163),Parliament (152),achieved (147),success (145),challenges (144),Mr (142),pleasure (132),reminded (128),delighted (124),occasion (124),anniversary (122),contribution (121),Wales (121),Britain (120),generations (120),present (120),Gentlemen (117),Royal (114),inspiration (112),Queen (109),spirit (107),faith (100),Australia (99),recent (99),events (97),Canada (96),culture (96),courage (92),friendship (92),international (92),proud (92),reflect (91),Minister (90),respect (90),London (89),memories (89),traditions (89),prosperity (88),throughout (87),relationship (86),Jubilee (84),confidence (83),de (83),partnership (83),responsibility (83),Assembly (82),message (81),society (81),encouragement (76)…

As base image I selected two very different portraits. First one the official image used to announce her death and another one from a very young Elizabeth, close to the moment she becomes Queen.

In between, a whole life dedicated to her people.

Keanu Reeves

Keanu is probably the most loved and nice actor out there. Despite his great success and extensive filmography, everyone that meets him talks about how kind human being he is.

So, I decided to pick a ‘very human’ portrait of Keanu, instead of any of his fictional characters. Original photo from Governo do Estado de São Paulo, taken in a meeting with the actor in 2019.

I took all more relevant words from his movie’s titles. A total of 144 words.

White background is a challenge when talking about text illustrations. I tried my best combining multiple text layers to keep everything in vector. It’s a complicate task and a huge native file but I think it worth the effort.

I guess Keanu deserves it.

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson was an American poet born almost two hunderd years ago. Even living in isolation, she created about 1,800 poems, many of them really beautiful.

For this illustration I went back to my old habit of counting words, I counted the words of almost all of her poems and used them to generate a portrait of Emily. This is the list of some of the most used with it’s repetitions:

heaven (53),bee (51),soul (41),noon (28),sweet (24),dew (23),breath (22),purple (21),eternity (20),butterflies (19),immortality (19),grave (18),slow (18),angels (17),robin (17),afternoon (16),Lest (16),pain (16),creature (15),dare (15),prayer (15),spirit (15),stir (15),content (14),failed (14),late (14),lips (14),tune (14),bliss (13),fair (13),faith (13),fashioned (13),frost (13),hurried (13),none (13),storm (13),anguish (12),beyond (12),brook (12),departed (12),exists (12),forget (12),gain (12),grace (12),half (12),Paradise (12)…

Since there was no portrait of Emily with enough quality, I used Midjourney to ‘imagine’ a possible portrait of her. It’s amazing what an AI can do, even not knowing where inspiration comes from.

Ultimate Play The Game

Logo Ultimate Play The Game

Para celebrar que hace 40 años apareció el ZX Spectrum me he decidido a publicar una vectorización del logo de la compañía que probablemente hizo los mejores y más innovadores juegos para el que fue el primer ordenador de los que ya hemos rebasado el medio siglo. O estamos en ello!.

Es imposible meter en unas pocas líneas todos aquellos maravillosos momentos que pasamos con unos juegos de modestos gráficos pero de dificultad endiablada, que sobre todo conseguían transportarnos a un universo paralelo que cabía en unos (ahora) miserables 48kb.

Tantos juegos, tantas compañías (muchas españolas!) que no se puede hacer un listado sin caer en la injusticia de no mencionarlas a todas.

El logo es una adaptación de una de las pocas imágenes en las que se publicó del mismo en alta resolución. He tratado de mantener el carácter artesanal combinándolo con las líneas puras que destacaban en las versiones de baja resolución.

Descargar logo Ultimate en PDF.

Ponerme esta camiseta hace que me sienta, una vez más, como un Sabreman tras un teclado de goma.

Ukrainians Hands

It is terrible to see how a few can do so much suffer to so many people. How a few can make thousands go against other human beings. Make you think of sick our world still is.

This is not a war, not a conflict, not a fight, not a dispute, not a confrontation, no anything you can argue. There is no shitty reasons for this.

This is about heroes and assassins.

And again, victims are just people trying to live their lives. Ukrainians who have children, mothers, sisters, brothers… They have souls, they have names, they have hands…

Just like you and me. Don’t forget it.



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