a picture is worth a thousand words


Los insultos del Capitan Haddock

¿Quien no conoce al inefable Capitan Haddock?, héroe inseparable del inolvidable Tintín.

Gracias al Revitero Morales me entero de que una web ha publicado un recopilatorio de todos los insultos lanzados por el Capitan Haddock en los 25 álbumes con los que al autor belga Hergé inmortalizó a Tintín.

Lo insultos del Capitan Haddock siempre han sido celebrados por sus seguidores. Los 265 recopilados van desde los más estrafalarios a los más creativos, pasando por un sinfín de ellos… muchos de los cuales hoy en día se considerarían políticamente incorrectos. A pesar de ello no he querido dejar fuera de la ilustración ninguno atendiendo a veracidad de los datos que se representan.

Va por ti Miguelón!.

Update: Nino me pide que lo actualice con la versión en francés, su idioma original… como negarme a un amigo!. Aquí lo tenéis.

Tetris Nightmare

I woke in the middle of the night, thousands of coloured pieces was falling from the ceiling and my brain was in some kind of quick loop trying to sort them before running out of air…

Another Tetris nightmare. If you played Tetris for hours you will probably remember that feeling (Hey!, you’re also old man! 😉

This guy is guilty, Alexey Pajitnov, the designer and programmer of one of the most addictive games ever, to whom we owe hours of fun but also nightmarish nights.

So it’s my little revenge. To fill his portrait with thousands of its own little diabolic creations. ¿How do you feel now Alex?

But it’s also a game. One of the pieces doesn’t have it’s appropriate colour. Can you find it? For an easy search use this link in zoom.it.

Oh no, more nightmares!… good luck!

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore can deeply touch you. His words can magically wake up something inside you… It’s something like the taste of true.

Very well know by his Music, Art, Theatre, Novels, Stories and Poetry almost all his works focused on religion and racial humiliation related to India. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, becoming the first non-European who won it.

The image was composed using words from the Song Gitanjali. I choose using the original language of the song. Love the shapes of the Bengali characters!.

Bruce Lee

And talking of my youth I have to admit I loved Bruce Lee movies. But only recently I discovered the creative side of Bruce Lee. Yes, he was more than a movie actor. Bruce also was film director, screenwriter,  founder of a martial arts movement, philosopher and even wrote poems. He was a creative man with a brilliant mind.

Because of that, and mostly because he filled my childhood with fun and popcorn, I took more relevant people, actors and legendary figures around Chinese martial arts and spread it over a portrait of Bruce Lee.

Below another version of the same illustration.


Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla in one of these people that combine science with a mystery halo. He was an absolute gen

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James Randi

My little tribute in memorian of James Randi. In the age of information is hard to believe that peop

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Tetris Nightmare

I woke in the middle of the night, thousands of coloured pieces was falling from the ceiling and my

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La Grande Bellezza

Esta película me atrapó hace unos años, cuando pasaba un momento difícil. Y como en casi todas l

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Crisis Calendar 2021

Last two years have been hard to me, especially at personal level. Not related to Covid, but I feel

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