I was working in a Science illustration using Socrates portrait and his quote “I know that I know nothing”, thinking about how beautiful and complex Science is, when I realised there was a better subject for this particular quote… yes, I’m talking about BIM.
Why?, because the more I know the more I feel I have to keep learning. And how to measure it’s complexity, by reading one of the most popular books about it: BIM Handbook. I just counted acronyms you can find inside the book… sounds crazy, there was around 500!
BIM (2110),IFC (230),CAD (184),MEP (99),IPD (86),AEC (81),XML (67),HVAC (61),USCG (45),LEED (39),ISO (38),DP (35),GSA (33),OPS (32),DPR (31),IFOA (31),STEP (31),ETO (29),CIS (28),OSHPD (25),FM (24),DWG (22),WSP (22),PDF (21),CFD (19),DWF (19),IAI (19),ID (19),OCCSU (19),DB (18),DXF (18),API (16),RFID (16),AIA (15),MS (15),BOM (14),CNC (14),IES (14),CM (13),GC (13),IGES (13),LPS (13),NBIMS (13),DGN (12),CIP (11),CSG (11),DBB (11),MVD (11),AGC (10),AP (10),BPMN (10),CA (10),CMMS (10),CSI (10)…
So I’m pretty sure Socrates was ahead of its time 2500 years… He saw this coming! 😀