
Mi pequeño tributo de despedida deportiva a Rafael Nadal, mejor simplemente Rafa, con un puñado de adjetivos que se han utilizado una y otra vez durante toda su carrera deportiva.

La palabra ‘prĂłjimo’ es una hermosa palabra que viene del latĂn proximus y significa prĂłximo, el que está cerca, el que es como tĂş, tu vecino… ‘PrĂłjimo’ no hace distinciones, ni especifica si eres de derechas, ni de izquierdas, ni mujer, ni hombre, ni homosexual o hetero, ni de quĂ© equipo eres, si eres gordo o flaco, o gracioso o más bien tirando a serio, si fumas, te gusta la butifarra, o comes caracoles con las manos.
PrĂłjimo es MarĂa, JosĂ©, Antonio, Carmen, Ana, Luis, Teresa… Es fácil reconocerlos, están ahĂ cuando hace falta, manchados de pies a cabeza. Solo te preguntan si necesitas ayuda, no te clasifican antes de ofrecĂ©rtela, no dibujan una lĂnea roja para decidir si te ayudan o no.
Es imposible trazar una lĂnea roja en el barro.
Basta ya de que la polĂtica ocupe todo. Que no te engañen. No son los tuyos, no es tĂş equipo de futbol, no son tus colores, y desde luego no es ni tu familia ni tu vecino y, hoy en dĂa, desde luego para los polĂticos tĂş no eres el prĂłjimo. Tres semanas despuĂ©s de la tragedia siguen ahĂ a los suyo, escurriendo responsabilidades, intentando mantener el relato, aprovechando la oportunidad, ajustando cuentas y llenando titulares que la verdad es solo dejan mal sabor de boca. No es que este cansado, es que estoy asqueado.
Basta ya.
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla in one of these people that combine science with a mystery halo. He was an absolute genius, ahead of his time, with countless inventions and patents. Thanks to him we have the AC electric system, but the number of ideas he put on the table makes him one of the greatest inventor in history, even above of his rival Thomas Edison.
This vector illustration is based in a great restored image of Tesla from Ivan Krsev who also choose related words.
Trump on his Tweets
I was curious about what kind of words did Trump used in his polemical Tweets. With the help of http://www.trumptwitterarchive.com/ I was able to collect about 30.000 Trump Tweets and Retweets, from 2009 to 2017.
I counted words and keep only these said two or more times (also removed some I found less relevant like “Trump”, “but”, “we” or “I”). I got more than 10.300 different words.
Then spread these words, with sizes based in repetition, over Trump portrait. It mean each word has a proportional size based in word repetition. He said 4182 word “Thanks”, 4135 word “Great”, and so on…
And here you have the result!. The man on his Tweets.
Another sample.
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Lord of the Words
This man killed thousand Orcs with his own hands. Well, with is hands and one pen.
My little tribute to JRR Tolkien the man who created a Universe from scratch. For this illustration I counted more relevant words from Lord of the Rings and spread over author’s portrait. I know it’s probably more popular book from Tolkien but I really love the beginning of The Silmarillion and his kind of Genesis… wonderful!
Vector file here: JO-D-151218-Tolkien01
No Woman No Cry
My little tribute to Bob Marley and one of his best songs.
Some tryouts.
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Wish You Were Here
Everybody have a special place and moment were your life turned into something really great. There are just a few you will keep in your memory for ever, no matter what.
This illustration is based in a shot I did few months ago, at my hometown, a perfect moment with full moon over the beacon that remind me another perfect moment. Same place, but 25 years ago.
Words are from lyrics of Pink Floyd song. One of those songs that belongs to “my life” BSO.
This one goes up for her. Because I wish you were here honey.
Stanislaw Lem
My little tribute to one of my favorite writers, Stanislaw Lem. For this illustration I counted words from 20 of his books. Biggers are most commonly used!.
Books: Automathew’s Friend, Chain of Chance, Eden, Fiasco, Highcastle – A Remembrance, His Master’s Voice, Hospital of the Transfiguration, Imaginary Magnitude, Memoirs Found in a Bathtub, Memoirs of a Space Traveler, Microworlds, One Human Minute, Peace on Earth, Return from the Stars, Solaris, Tales of Pirx the Pilot, The Cyberiad, The Futurological Congress, The Investigation, The Invincible.
Robin Williams
Yes he left us long time ago, but I had no time to end this illustration and I don’t want to miss opportunity to say goodbye to someone who made me laugh (and cry) so much.
When he died I took thousand of goodbye messages from reddit and count most used words in them. Here is the result.
Butterfly Experiment
I had recently the opportunity to create something for great institution Bridgend Women’s Aid, who I really thanks for choosing me, and did a lot of experiments with a butterfly image, changing colors patterns and randomizing it.
They finally used another incredible photo, I really like more than my crazy stuff, as base for my typo work. But I don’t want to waste my experiments so I thought it could be a good idea to share it with you.
I created different version with words in English and Spanish.
Multicolor Butterfly English Words
Multicolor Butterfly Spanish Words
Blue Butterfly English Words
Blue Butterfly Spanish Words
I choose words I found related to butterfly. But after a while I realized these words fit with life itself, and it’s probably the reason why butterfly concept is relevant for Bridgend Women’s Aid. May be not, but it makes me wonder how human brain connect dots to find something behind… and it’s something I always wanted in my illustrations.
Being honest I have to say my favourite are most abstract ones. I mean so abstract that you are not able to identify the image behind it and words are some kind of clues to find main subject. Should be only after a long time, may be third time you look at the image, when you brain find the pattern behind it and really see what it is.
Like a surprise wrapped with words.
Think about this cropped version for a big wall, like the background of a restaurant or something like that… do you think you will be able to see what it is at first sight?
Probably not so difficult with this one but if you like it I promise to came back with more.
Oh, somebody ask for my vector pdf versions. Yes I’m still working in a vector base and I think I should share more with you.
Juan Antonio Cebrián
En mi juventud me pasé miles de madrugadas junto a la radio esperando esa combinación de historia, misterio, cultura y actualidad que no te dejaba dormir. Pero sobretodo esperaba escuchar a ese narrador que fabricaba el milagro de convertir simples palabras en algo apasionante. Era el inolvidable Juan Antonio Cebrián.
Siempre quise rendirle un homenaje, por el sentimiento de deuda hacia alguien que te ha hecho pasar tan buenos momentos a cambio de nada, y al que nunca tuviste la oportunidad de agradecérselo.
Porque aquellos no eran programas de radio, eran regalos. Asà que, allà donde estés maestro… gracias!
Juan Antonio se fue, pero nos ha dejado muchas cosas: miles de horas de radio, más de una decena de libros, una asociaciĂłn cultural, un bosque, un premio con su nombre y un centro cultural… pero sobretodo una legiĂłn interminable de buenos amigos, seguidores y admiradores (casi siempre todo a la vez) que mantienen viva su memoria. Lo que yo llamarĂa la familia de La Rosa de los Vientos.
Me gustarĂa mandar un fuerte abrazo a Silvia Casasola por la amabilidad y el cariño que me ha mostrado y por la inestimable ayuda que me ha brindado en la realizaciĂłn de estas ilustraciones.
My little tribute to one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but at the same time one of the craziest. I did a little family trip last April and it was a great experience… unforgettable pizza at da Baffetto!
Illustration composed with my personal selection of words related to Rome.
Game of Thrones
A tribute to a one of the most choral TV show ever, lot of characters with bad habit of die. For this illustration I took all characters names from five seasons, first ones are sorted by most appearances, and spread it over an image of incredible well designed throne.
Hey brother, hope you like it!
Alternative version.
The Show Must Go On
Yes I know five years ago I did a previous illustration about Freddie Mercury and Queen, but I want to remake it because I feel older one wasn’t good enough. Also because I want to point you to one of his songs, The Show Must Go On.
Freddie was really sick when they recorded the song. He was so ill that almost can’t walk. Even somebody ask him if he could sing the song, his answer: “I’ll f-cking do it, darling”… and of course he did.
The song was written by Brian May, but I think that it deeply represent a moment in life of someone who has the courage to sing about it’s own death. He died six weeks after the single was released.
Hey guy, the show still goes on, but it’s not the same without you.
The words are my old list of most used words in Queen lyrics.
Below cropped version of same image.
Adios Saeta
A vueltas con el fĂştbol tenemos que despedir a una autĂ©ntica leyenda que nos dejĂł ayer. Un revolucionario, un hĂ©roe, un sĂmbolo… un tipo curioso como mezcla de muchas cosas que no ha dejado indiferente a nadie y desde luego alguien que ha sabido aprovechar bien la vida.
Para esta ilustración he tomado unos 1.500 comentarios de los lectores de Marca.com como reacción a la muerte de Alfredo Di Stéfano. He contado las palabras más usadas (las buenas y las malas) y las he propagado sobre una de sus más populares imágenes.
Un resumen de las primeras más repetidas.
Alfredo (354),grande (343),Madrid (311),fĂştbol (278),Don (270),Stefano (247),mejor (230),siempre (200),Descanse (195),paz (191),DEP (187),jugador (173),historia (165),gracias (162),jugar (140),ganĂł (134),Real (105),madridistas (104),equipo (100),club (98),Messi (97),argentino (95),Europa (83),leyenda (81),copas (77),Saeta (77),PelĂ© (75),familia (73),mundo (70),tiempos (70),decir (65),parte (65),deja (64),mundial (63),respeto (62),vivir (62),Barça (61),gran (61),bueno (59),ver (59),vida (59),Ă©poca (51),Maradona (50)…
Hasta siempre Alfredo!
Para todos mis amigos madridistas, o no, encabezados por Fernando Osborne (de España!) đź›
Otras pruebas entorno a la misma imagen…
Nunca Caminaras Solo
No me gusta el futbol. Bueno se trata más bien de un rechazo a esa bipolaridad agotadora del todo o nada semanal, de las noticias a pachas, de las cifras que no caben en la calculadora y de las personas de usar y tirar.
Siempre cuento que en la semifinal de 2012, cuando ya estaba el partido a la mitad, decidimos subir a verlo terminar porque ya no quedaba nadie en el jardĂn. Mi hija, muy sorprendida, le pregunto a mi mujer “ÂżPor quĂ© vamos a verlo mama?… ÂżJuega papá?” đź€
Aunque quizás todo esto solo sea una excusa para ocultar que en mi infancia el mayor Ă©xito futbolĂstico que vivĂ fue cuando me tocĂł el cromo de CamerĂşn y por fin pude completar el álbum.
El caso es que uno no puede escapar del linchamiento más o menos jocoso de aquellos que hace nada eran unos hĂ©roes. Casi con el balĂłn en las piernas ya les están invitando a salir por la puerta. ÂżCĂłmo puede ser?. O se han olvidado o les da igual. AsĂ es el fĂştbol…
Pero sin embargo me parece un espacio de oportunidades, hay tantos ojos puestos en tan pocas personas que pueden surgir momentos verdaderamente brillantes… como dar en directo un beso inesperado, una retrasmisiĂłn de “barrilete cĂłsmico”, o atar dos bufandas de la misma ciudad al levantar la copa (eso lamentablemente no pasĂł).
Y por eso y a pesar de todo me voy a apropiar del himno del Liverpool para expresar lo que yo creo que la mayorĂa de la gente siente… o deberĂa sentir.
Cuando camines a través de la tormenta,Mantén la cabeza alta,
Y no temas por la oscuridad;
Al final de la tormenta encontrarás la luz del sol
Y la dulce y plateada canción de una alondra. Sigue a través del viento,
Sigue a través de la lluvia,
Aunque tus sueños se rompan en pedazos. Camina, camina, con esperanza en tu corazón,
Y nunca caminarás solo,
Nunca caminarás solo.
Camina, camina, con esperanza en tu corazĂłn,
Y nunca caminarás solo,
Nunca caminarás solo
(traducciĂłn tomada de la Wikipedia)
Ah!, la ilustraciĂłn es ese momento que no podemos olvidar, esos segundos donde llego lo increĂble, lo que nunca soñamos. Es Iniesta, pero los nombres son los 35 jugadores que nos han dado cuatro años para guardar en la memoria, para contárselos a los que vengan.
Venga, vale… Viva el Futbol!!!
Silent Suicides
I have a mix of feelings about this post, indeed some kind of fear… It’s probably due to my education. But I don’t want to be another one who simply remain silent. The fact is here, in Spain, my country, more than 3.500 people commit suicide per year. It’s is more than twice the number of deaths due to traffic accidents… and nobody talks about it.
For me, it means we have a sick society. And I’m pretty sure if we don’t talk about it we are not going to fix it.
I’m not judging people who commit suicide, it’s more some kind of respect and freezing care. I’m not saying it’s ok, sorry but I can’t, I care more about the ones who stay. They family, friends, people close… I can’t imagine the impotence, the sadness… sometimes even shame.
Well, I don’t want to give an opinion, I just want to put it on the table.
For this illustration the photo of Evelyn McHale who jumped from the Empire State Building in 1947. No ones knows why. Her body crashed over a car and a photography student took this iconic photo, strangely beautiful. She was only 23 years old.
Words are unsorted 30 common reasons to suicide. Please read it, and just keep an eye you are not one of these reasons to another human being.
Different version of the same image.
Gabriel GarcĂa Márquez
My little tribute to Gabriel GarcĂa Márquez. In fact I had been working in this illustration for a while but never found time enought to end it. Sadly I think this moment finally arrived.
I count words in 28 Gabriel’s books and did some illustrations with words size proportional to repetition.
Books analyzed: Cien Años De Soledad, Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada, Del Amor Y Otros Demonios, Doce Cuentos Peregrinos, El Ahogado Mas Hermoso Del Mundo, El Amor En Los Tiempos Del Colera, El Avion De La Bella Durmiente, El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba, El Otoño Del Patriarca, El Rastro De Tu Sangre En La Nieve, El Ultimo Viaje Del Buque Fantasma, En Agosto Nos Vemos, Espantos De Agosto, La Candida Erendira Y Su Abuela Desalmada, La Hojarasca, La Luz Es Como El Agua, La Santa, La Siesta De Los Martes, Memorias De Mis Putas Tristes, Muerte Constante Mas Alla Del Amor, Noticia De Un Secuestro, Ojos De Perro Azul, Relato De Un Naufrago, Solo Vine A Llamar Por Telefono, Tramontana, Un Dia De Estos, Un Senor Muy Viejo Con Unas Alas Enormes, Vivir Para Contarla.
Most used words (beggining of the list): casa (2986),sentĂa (1614),noche (1580),tiempo (1527),parecĂa (1509),muerte (1499),llevaba (1491),hombre (1449),podĂa (1411),volviĂł (1370),primera (1367),llegĂł (1274),mar (1261),encontrĂł (1242),vida (1232),quedĂł (1225),sala (1221),pensar (1208),nunca (1111),vivir (1107),mientras (1087),siempre (1087),mano (1082),puerta (1051),tarde (1039),Ăşnico (1033),decir (1021),nadie (1019),dejĂł (1004),madre (993),aquella (990),niña (983),padre (983),esperaba (978),tratando (973),cuenta (937),hijo (905),Ăşltimo (890),buen (888),modo (887),hablar (871),mirĂł (859),preguntĂł (855),empezĂł (851),conocĂa (830),mujer (821),Aureliano (814),terminĂł (805),amor (799),bien (782),coronel (782),mundo (782),aquel (774),medio (774),pues (753),debĂa (728),dio (725),visto (722),dormir (718),ningĂşn (716),embargo (703),orden (703),cuarto (700),pudo (693),calle (692),vio (688),veces (681),cosas (670),mal (661),ojos (659)…
Most used two relevant words combo: Florentino Ariza (565),Fermina Daza (411),JosĂ© Arcadio (390),Aureliano BuendĂa (213),Aureliano Segundo (210),coronel Aureliano (209),dio cuenta (185),Sierva MarĂa (183),Arcadio BuendĂa (173),dĂa siguiente (169),Santiago Nasar (158),Juvenal Urbino (143),mismo tiempo (139),doctor Urbino (134),muchos años (125),tres dĂas (120),dijo ella (119),mucho tiempo (112),muchas veces (112),Nena Daconte (111),doctor Juvenal (109),aquella noche (105),ella misma (102),varias veces (100),BendiciĂłn Alvarado (95),dos años (93),Billy Sánchez (89),dijo la mujer (88),Amaranta Ăšrsula (86),poco a poco (86),veinte años (86),aquel dĂa (85),Arcadio Segundo (84),dos veces (84),estaba seguro (83),tres meses (79),dos dĂas (78),dos horas (78),dijo el coronel (76),Pablo Escobar (74),di cuenta (73),Lorenzo Daza (70),Gerineldo Márquez (69),llamĂł la atenciĂłn (69),seis meses (69),media noche (68)…
Nice words by the way!
More Samples:
Bye Gabo, thank you for doing spanish language even more beautiful.
Say My Name
A tribute to one of my favourites TV shows, Breaking Bad with one of the greatest characters ever, Mr Heisenberg aka Walter White.For this illustration I counted the most commonly used words in the five seasons. also added my favourite quote.
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Everest 236
There is something within the human being that makes us commit the most incredible crazy things. But I can not stop admiring those who are able to risk everything for a dream. That is probably one of the few things that make us different from other beings with whom we share this planet.
Knowing that 236 people have died trying to climb Everest makes me feel perplexity and admiration at once. Do you know that many of them will be there forever?, like frozen in time… by a dream.
This image is a tribute to all of them.
Buy print at Society6
Michael Jordan
Air Jordan, Your Royal Airness, Le Wilde Bulle, Sir Altitude, MJ, Ready For Takeoff… yes, he is Michael Jordan.
Last week I took my daughters to their swimming lessons and I was able to see an amateur basketball game. Not All Stars at all but I love how nice and fair basketball is, and I remembered my school days… These days Jordan was some kind of hero, and I think time proved he is also a great person.
This one dedicated to my old school friends, Alex Rivas, Antonio Paredes, Pedro Flores, Ricardo GarcĂa and so many… those with whom I played basketball and shared passion about this fantastic game.
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