James Randi

My little tribute in memorian of James Randi.
In the age of information is hard to believe that people prefer to believe blindly in so many stupid things. We need more people that think by itself and use logic and commons sense instead of believing anything that arrives to their screens. People present in media, pointing to liars, teaching us to use critical thinking… more people like Randi or Sagan. I miss you guys.
This illustration is my way to pointing out those who are taking advantage of people. My way to say we can see them, and we are not going to take their bullshit.
Afraid Of Future

Long time without posting… What can I say?, life sometimes makes you clear where priorities are while your act like a dyslexic juggler.
I made this picture a while ago, thinking about all those things that could menace our future… they said. And I think that today, considering news, it’s time to publish it.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t say we shouldn’t be worry about all those terms. Yes we should. But I have confidence in human being, in our ability to overcome adversity. And I’m sure that living afraid of future is not the best way to help overcome whatever get in our way.
My point of view is that fear is such an extreme feeling it can be used to block our rational thinking. Under fear we are easy to manipulate.
So please don’t be afraid. Be concerned and act like human being we should be.
Be the owner of this illustration. Buy it at Rarible.com.
Gabriela Lugo
Y ahà me encuentro yo, en una misión de seis meses en tierra extraña, ya casi al final, en mi último paseo… enseñándole la Habana a un Cubano.
Entre callejón y callejón, bajo la lluvia cálida, llega junto a una amiga. Han quedado los tres y me dejan que les acompañe. Pero soy yo el que se siente incómodo, extraño, como un astronauta en otro planeta al que le han dejado aterrizar por unos minutos… asomándome furtivamente a un pasado que casi ni puedo recordar.
Entre risas y Vampisol me cuenta algunas cosas, pero no todo. Será más tarde cuando descubra quien es realmente. Que ha recorrido el mundo con el ballet nacional, ahora es la principal de Acosta… que sale en una pelÃcula… son los secretos, casi siempre callados, que envuelven en misterio a la isla.
Esta ilustración es un poco mi manera de dar las gracias a Cuba, y me parece que Gabriela en cierto modo representa lo que es este paÃs, una perseverancia inquebrantable envuelta en una sencilla y bella sonrisa.
Asà que para Gabriela, para Cuba… para la gran belleza que esconde este lugar y a la que uno queda irremediablemente atado para siempre.
Ojala tu futuro sea brillante.
Hasta siempre!
The (updated) Dove
It’s has been a while since I started doing my crazy stuff and looking back I feel that I can redo my old works a lot better now… so sometimes I play a little with these and I want to share with you one of my tryouts. The Dove, again!
You can check the old one here.
Paco de LucÃa
Hay veces que uno no sabe muy bien como dar el enfoque adecuado a una ilustración. Tan solo quieres hacer algo, no dejarlo pasar, no perder la oportunidad de dar las gracias…
Pero como plasmar lo que has recibido, esa sensación de la perfección, los matices, el sabor de tu tierra… es imposible…
Tengo decenas de cosas a medio terminar que se perderán en el olvido. Pero esta vez no. Aunque no tenga tiempo, aunque estoy cansado y haya sueño… tengo que hacer algo… incluso aunque todo salga mal.
Hasta siempre maestro!
In my little free time (I mean no time at all) I’m working in my own technique and code to create images based in homogeneity. With some pieces I will try to improve my current tools (I’m thinking about white backgrounds) but I’m also trying to find a way to create images and mosaics based in homogeneity levels.
With that last way I’m generating very abstract samples, and you know these are my favorites… when it’s hard to really see the main subject and you have to to look twice.
It looks like the pixel are trying to create something… it’s a pixibility!
Find here some of them… can you recognize them all?
Buy print at Society6
Jean-Michel Basquiat
My little tribute to Basquiat, one of those creative minds we loose to quick… I love its versus series of colourful and impressive graffiti. For this illustrations I took more relevant words from his wikipedia article you can find here.
Also you will find additional information at his Artsy page.
Inside Keith Haring
My little tribute to Keith Haring, a mind full of colour and wonderful messages.
For this illustration I took around 35 of his great figures and spread over his portrait.
Antoni Tapies
Has long since my last post, but the true is that I’m running out of free time. Lot of changes in my life, three kids, blablabla… you know, life!.
But I do not want to miss the opportunity to make a little tribute to Antoni Tapies, one of those unique artists, tireless worker sometimes misunderstood, who left us last February 6.
For this illustration I took his spanish wikipedia article and spread the most commonly used words over a portrait of Tapies.
Snow Balls
I’m working in a illustration series, based in sports, generated using my genetic geometry technique, something highly inspired in Percolator and Tsevis style. My main goal was to have something useful for tshirts, but as usually I ended with something that needs a big size if you want to see all the details it has.
Here you have some of then, focused in winter sports. I think I will publish soon more about different sports.
Click to enlarge, but remember that all these are vector based. If you want to see all the details of first sample take a look at it in zoom.it.
Anonymous names
Are they villains?, are they heroes?… I don’t know, this time you have to think for yourself. But I love the David Lloyd’s mask for “The Doll” (read about V for Vendetta), and how it mix with the idea of an anonymous group of people.
In order to translate this concept I took the top 1000 most commonly used baby boy and girl names in USA throughout 2010 from this website and spread them over an image of The Doll. The bigger are the most commonly used.
You can also take a look at the same illustration without legend or download wallpapers, 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×800 1280×1024 1366×768 1440×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1856×1392 1920×1080 1920×1440 2048×1536.
Another one.
Also with legend, and wallpapers, 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×800 1280×1024 1366×768 1440×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1856×1392 1920×1080 1920×1440 2048×1536.
One more.
Be the owner of this illustration. Buy it at Opensea.com.
Flying Carolina
My daughter Carolina in one of her super-jumps. She is three years old, but the photo was taken some months ago when she was only two… I took a nice set of photographies during a country day. She is as beautiful as her mother…
Another one…
I’m just ending my “generative geometry” spread options to my tools. Here you have some samples using the Nadal illustration. I tested different approaches, including some similar to percolator and tsevis techniques. But some of the best shots appears when I combine all those techniques together. Now I have too many options so it’s hard to select the right one…
Finally an explosion of geometry…
Rafa Nadal
I want to share with you a little experiment about Rafa Nadal, created with a kind of generative geometry function I’m working on… super abstract but fun.
Download the vector PDF file: JO-D-110518-RafaNadal
Singin in the Rain
I want to share with you my last crazy experiment. One of the most wonderful moments in the motion picture history… a funny Gene Kelly letting us know clearly how happy he is.
Here you have the vector base PDF file: JO-D-110303-SinginInTheRain
And may be because I fell very happy (I’m going to be father again in a few days!) I’m singing this song in my head again and again. Curiously I don’t know how did it get there.
I spread the lyrics of this song over an image of Gene Kelly on a lamppost. It’s so abstract that could be difficult to really ‘view’ it… just get some distance and it will be clear.
Another different version of the same scene.
PDF file JO-D-110303-SinginInTheRain-02
Lady Agnew
One of my favorite paintings, John Singer Sargen’s Lady Agnew of Lochnaw. The words are the most relevant words of his wikipedia article.
You can read more about this painting here.
Haiku of the Atomic Bomb
Haiku is a interesting form of short Japanese poetry. One of the most famous haiku writers is Yasuhiko Shigemoto, who has a book, “My Haiku of Hiroshima”, about the Hiroshima bomb. He has a first hand testimony because he was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped. Remember, about fifty thousand people died in a second.
This form of art caught my interest so I took some of his haiku, from this webpage, and spread over a photo of the Nagasaki bomb.
JoaquÃn Sorolla is one of the best spanish painters ever. I like the color and the sunlight of his paintings, especially in his impressionist beach scenes.
I took one of his works, Menina (actually in The National Museum of Fine Arts of Havana), and spread the most relevants words of the spanish Sorolla wikipedia article.
I know my sister will love this one. So Raquel, this one is for you!.
Honore Daumier
This all-in-one man was a French painter, sculptor and printmaker but he was best know because of his caricatures. Take a look at this wikipedia article about him. I love some of his paintings. So for this work I used the most representative words of his Wikipedia article and one of his beautiful paintings.
An abstract image of a flamenco dancer (hi Melody!). The words from the flamenco Wikipedia article, I counted only the capitalized words.
Download PDF JO-D-100909-Flamenco
No Words…
No words … they are the champions!
This is my point of view … some kind of explosion of happiness.
Download PDF JO-D-100826-Campeones01
A different one.
Download PDF JO-D-100826-Campeones02
Woman in words
This image is based on an incredible picture from Michael Ezra. When I saw it look so pretty I couldn’t resist making a words composition. But which words to use?
In order to choose the right words I read more than 50 online poems focused on women. Then I manually selected word by word among those who struck me as more consistent with the atmosphere of the image.
I ended up with a highly subjective list of over 140 words.
I want to thank Michael Ezra for letting me to use his picture as seed image for my work. On his website you can find tons of incredibly beautiful photographs.
Remember that these images are under this license, so the commercial use of them is forbidden.
Download PDF JO-D-100724-MichaelEzra
This second one is a more abstract version.
Download PDF JO-D-100724-MichaelEzra2
World Cup in Red
World Cup made with portraits of the 23 players of the Spanish soccer team. There is more than 6.000 little portraits.
Due to the shirt of the players, the cup takes a nice color between gold and red. It’s indeed a red World Cup.
My first World Cup visualization, but not the last (I am working on others).
David Villa, the striker of Spanish national team with the word ‘goal’ in more than 10 languages.
In memoriam of Pedro Garrido… because he will probably die if Spain doesn’t win the World Cup.
Download PDF JO-D-100706-Villa