Haiku is a interesting form of short Japanese poetry. One of the most famous haiku writers is Yasuhiko Shigemoto, who has a book, “My Haiku of Hiroshima”, about the Hiroshima bomb. He has a first hand testimony because he was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped. Remember, about fifty thousand people died in a second.
This form of art caught my interest so I took some of his haiku, from this webpage, and spread over a photo of the Nagasaki bomb.
How do you create the art? Do you have some custom tool or is there a generic way?
Hi Ventak,
I usually start with an image editor to change the overall contrast or to isolate the subject from the background… but from this point the rest of the work is done by my own tools… I have dozen of them coded in processing.org.
All the best!.
which words you entered in the Hiroshima bomb?
You can find a link in the post text. I took these!