a picture is worth a thousand words

The Bible

Probably the most interesting book ever… The Holy Bible.

This time I want to know if there is deep differences between New and Old Testaments. So I counted words from these documents independently and put the results together each one in a side of the image. The left hand represents the words from the New Testament. The right hand the Old Testament ones.

Because the Old testament is bigger than the New Testament I used a correction factor so the words can be compared in size between both documents.

As base image I used a part of a well know Michelangelo painting…

One more thing. There is a lot of free versions of the Bible. I just pick one of them in english and another in spanish (double work of course). There must be huge differences between all the different versions of the Bible. Even between the differents idioms. For example the word ‘Lord’ in english correspond to ‘Jehovah’ in the spanish version… I don’t know why…

And remember, it is just a exercise… the results may be inexactly or totally wrong at all..

Old Testament: lord 7279, god 3340, son 3044, said 2941, king 2759, upon 2502, israel 2501, day 2124, house 1943, people 1910, man 1829, land 1709, hand 1681, children 1662, saying 1628, came 1590, shalt 1510, come 1432, one 1431, go 1342…

New Testament: god 1392, said 1061, jesus 984, man 908, saying 904, things 848, lord 734, come 657, one 615, also 599, christ 573, came 506, day 485, son 454, father 428, now 407, men 396, therefore 356, know 348, went 338…

Download TheBible.pdf (English Version) (436kB)
Download LaBiblia.pdf (Spanish Version) (440kB)

6 Responses to “The Bible”

  1. clau says:

    just amazing!!!

  2. e11world says:

    Excellent excellent work! I can’t describe how amazed I am with all of this type of design!

  3. china_boy says:

    创造亚当?(Creation of Adam?)

  4. Arturo Vernoy says:

    the holy bible is really important in my life, i always read it everyday.-

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